Trish McGrath
Interviewer: Ben Stephenson for National Library of Australia
Irish dancing has been at the centre of Trish McGrath’s life. … it’s a delight, it’s making music with your feet, it gets the blood up, and you feel yeah … if you can’t play a musical instrument there you go you can play music with your feet, you can dance away, it’s just absolutely brilliant. Continue reading “Trish McGrath”
Tomás de Bháldraithe
Interviewer: Siobhán McHugh for National Library of Australia
Tomás de Bháldraithe was accustomed to the sounds of the Irish language before his official appearance into the world. His Dublin based family, in order to immerse themselves in an Irish speaking environment, used to holiday in the Gaeltacht of Connemara for three months every year. Continue reading “Tomás de Bháldraithe”
Tom Power
Interviewer: Siobhán McHugh for National Library of Australia
Of some people it is said ‘if you seek their monument, look around’. Although he would be far too modest to admit it, Tom Power is one of those people. Continue reading “Tom Power”
Pat McGrath
Interviewer: Ben Stephenson for National Library of Australia
There are not many oral history interviews that set your feet tapping, but Pat McGrath’s does just that! Continue reading “Pat McGrath”